Visual Communication Objective:The objective of the designs is to elicit (or provoke) global discussion regarding the critical nature of the sustainable movement, through using both the Internet and traditional print media. The designs should entice the viewer to consider both the social significances and unique relationships between the five concepts.
Design Specifications—“The Project Criteria!”:The Designs must:Be created within a square format – 8.5”x 8.5”Include five (5) words or unique concepts.Be based on a single, or two different themes, meaning, the symmetrical design can include the exact same words or concepts that the asymmetrical design contains.Be created using only grayscale.Implement all classical design principles.Be created using the “rule of thirds.”
Here are my Asymmetrical thumbnails:

And these are my Symmetrical thumbnails:

Sorry about the quailty had to take picture to get it on the computer. I'll try to replace it with a scan when i can get to a scanner.
And these are my Roughs. Same as above, I'll try to replace as soon as possible:

And here's my Asymmetrical:

Well above you read about what the teacher wanted us to do. Now it's time for my thoughts on the project:
The whole idea of the project is to create a project that get's people thinking about sustainablity and the planet as a whole. I think the way things are going now that were gonna be in a lot of trouble down the line. But complaining about it won't really help matters any. We've gotta start coming up with solutions. And thats what my project is about.
Some of my solutions may seem stupid to others but you'd be surprised how effect they might actually be. The way i arranged them was in order of largest to smallest. That is the bigger things that you might not be able to do yourself or right away to the ones that you can do anytime you want. Wind power I think is the biggest one because how many of us can stick wind mills in our back yard? Not many but i'm sure if people worked together we'd find some good places to put some wind mills. Then there's hybrid cars. Also a very good idea. With these you can cut down the polution by quite a bit. But unforunately they cost a lot. I could even afford to get a car form 12 years ago without some help. Don't think I be able to afford a car that runs $20,000 if your lucky. There's also solar panels. Put a couple of them on your roof and on a sunny day you don't have to worry about much of an eletric bill. This ones a little easier to do but still a pain. First you've gotta get the panels. Then you've gotta figure out how to get them installed and that's probably the hardest part. Second to last is walking more. Cars are a very convient thing that help us travel. But come on do you really have to drive to the gas station or friends house that's only a block and a half away! Walking even just a little more is a little less polution that your putting into the air. My last solution is plant a tree. It doesn't get much easier then digging a whole in the ground and sticking a seed in there and covering it back up. And you don't even have to buy seeds anymore if you don't want to. There are places you can buy tree that have already been partial grown. But that's enough of my personal rant. Now it's time for some more techinal stuff.
As everyone know Symmetry is all about the balance. If one side isn't balanced with the other then it's not symmetrical. I tried to make my symmetrical piece as balanced as possible. I also decided to use some repetition with my piece. Whether it's 5 or 50 words long you know what's going to happen next. There's a definate rhthym to the piece, black background with white text then white background with black text. Then it starts over again. They hierarchy I used is form top to bottom, kinda like a book. And i decided to have the prorotion the same for all of them to keep with the repeating theme. As for keeping with the rule of third like the project said I suppose I didn't do that, but i still like the way the project turned out. I like that fact they my Symmetrical piece is open ended. If you want to ad more solutions to it you can all you have to do is put it on at the bottom or top.
Asymmetry is of coarse the opposite of symmetry, it's about being off balance. Which i accomplished in my piece. I decided to use scale to my advantage by decreasing the scale as you read down the page. Then in my final piece I used scale and variety in the gray scale to give the piece a fading effect. I used the same hierachy in the same as my Symmetrical piece. And I also gave my piece rhythm by giving a nice downward flow to the piece.
I think my project was successful because I was able to bring different element of design together to create pieces that get the view thinking. Who knows they might even decide to add a few solutions of their own. Anyways leave some posts about what you think about my project and what could make it better.
1 comment:
Hi Hall,
I don't know if you see Elizabeth but apparently she was just returning her paperwork to HR. She should have had this paperwork over there a couple of weeks ago and I believe she has been working. There was a form that I did not realize that was outdated that she took to fill out and was going to bring it back. She cannot get paid until all this paper work is processed. Can you please touch base with her to be sure she is moving forward with it?
I would really appreciate your help.
Cheryl L. Sullivan
Office Manager/Secretary to Dean
Broome Community College
Liberal Arts and Human Services
P.O. Box 1017
Binghamton, NY 13902
Phone: 778-5021
Fax: 778-5394
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