Design Styles from the Past!
Art Nouveau (Late 19th Century to Early 20th Century)
Bauhaus (1920’s)
Constructivism (Russian 1913-1920's)
Art Deco (1920-1930)
International Typographic Style (Swiss School of Design 1950-1970)
Modernism / Modern Movement/New York School (United States 1940’s – 1960’s)
Creative Process
1. Collect (20) twenty or more examples of stamp designs that are visually engaging. Create a digital archive of these saved on your flash disk. Place examples on your blog!
2. Choose your (3) three favorite designs. Make a descriptive list (in bullet form) referencing the specific “informational elements” and “design elements” that are contained within the three collected stamps (lists are below).Place analysis on your blog!
3. Collect five (5) graphic design examples of each of the historic design movements outlined above.
4. Choose (1) example from each style and make a descriptive list (in bullet form) referencing the specific design characteristics that make each style unique.Place analysis on your blog!
5. Photograph a local landmark building to base your design on.
6. Create an Illustration of Local Historic Landmark. The illustration can either be hand rendered in a traditional color medium of your choice or a digital manipulated rendition.
7. First Round Thumbnail Sketches. Work on 20 thumbnail sketches that investigate design concepts for your stamp design.
8. Chose strongest thumbnail concept and complete 20 more second round thumbnail sketches that present variations on a single one.
9. Create a single rough based on the strongest conceptThe rough needs to be at least five inches in height and width. The final dimensions will depend on if you have chosen to design on a square or rectangular format.
10. Digital Scan of Illustration in Photoshop
11. Photoshop digital manipulation and enhancement
12. Comprehensive Layout in Photoshop13. Mounting Two Parts: Original Illustration and Stamp Design
14. The entire creative process must be included on your blog, including all thumbnails, along with final rough and comprehensive.
Informational Elements
§ Central Image – Your illustration
§ Denomination (Example: 37 cents, $1)
§ Country of Origin (Example: USA)
§ Name of Landmark§ Date Landmark was built
§ Date (year) Stamp was Designed (The year “2005” typeset in 7 or 8 points)
§ Significance (A short phrase relating to the significance of the landmark is often noted.)
Design Elements Ask yourself “How were these concepts applied?”
§ Shape of Postage Stamp / Proportion of Stamp / Horizontal or vertical
§ Four Color / Spot Color/ Colors Used Develop a color scheme. What colors conceptually relate to the landmark and design style you work with
§ Type of Central Image / The Illustration§ Line Detailing / Borders
§ Interpretive Dimension of Type /Type supports the aesthetic of the artwork/theme
§ Typographical Layout Vertical Type, Horizontal Type, Type on a curve
§ Hierarchical arrangement of elements (Most to least important—Focal Point)
§ Position (proximity) of all informational elements / Symmetrical/Asymmetrical
§ Compositional Devices / Use of Grid§ Type of Balance Symmetrical or Asymmetrical§ Illusion of Space / Depth§ Relationship of Positive and Negative Space
Physical DimensionsIllustration: 8.5” by 11” or 8.5 by 8.5”Final Comp: One (1) printed at 5 x 8” and One (1) printed the actual size of a stamp (which will vary) (For example, a rectangular stamp may measure 1.5” x 1” and a square 7/8” x 7/8”)Spend some time measuring some actual stamps and choose a dimension that is conducive to your design.
Presentation Single Illustration mounted on one section of foam core (unless it was painted on canvas)Comp must also be mounted on one section of foam core.
Production Information & Design Description This information needs to be presented on a separate section of foam core. The dimensions must be 2 inches tall by 4 inches wide. The type size must be 9 points.
· Your name / Name of Design
· Name of Software Used / Date
· Paragraph specifically describing how your stamp designrelates to the chosen style or styles of architecture, or graphic design movement.
Graphic Concepts To Consider For Dynamic Designs
· Contrasting Scale of Images
· Contrasting Scale of Type
· Typographical Variation:Upper Case / Lower CaseWeight of Text / Bold / ItalicVaried Letter Spacing
· Considering the amount of Negative Space left in design
· Clustering of Text Into Units Based On Content
· Nesting Text
· Overlapping of Images and Text To Create Unity
· Typographical Harmony – Family of Font, Style of Font
· Altering Opacity To Create Sense of Depth and Emphasis In Design
· Color Harmony – Relationship of Text Color with Image Color
Well here's more then 20 but it shows how each type of stamp can have different varieties.

·I like this stamp because the use of blues give it a 3D look. I think it would make a great stamp for a christmas card.

Here's a picture of Johnson City High School: